The world has lost it's sheen

If you have read Roots or Papillon or Shantaram or have seen the movie The Shawshank Redemption then the answer to the question, What is the most important thing in the world?, would most likely be Freedom. Freedom of course can mean lots of things to various people. As far as I am concerned, I haven’t had to break away from a prison or escape slavery, and I thank my stars for that. But doesn’t the word also mean the freedom to make choices and decisions of your own. No, I am not trying to sound victimized here, I love my life and I love my people and that’s exactly what my problem is. When you love and care for certain people, you get bound by it. In a way love binds you to take decisions which are although yours to say but, bound by the feelings and emotions of several others. Although I haven’t yet figured out whether that is good or bad , I know for sure it is rather a luxurious kind of freedom that I talk about, but that is just a euphemism to being called obdurate. In real terms and as I see it from a child's perspective, a child say forced into labour or denied basic necessities and that’s not just food and water but a lot of other things that we take for granted, this is what I think might just be a part of what really goes on inside him.

As I look out of my window,
Bend a little and lean,
I see a whole new world,
A world bathed in light,
A world, vast and serene.
The little dew drops,
On leaves beautifully green.
The stars rain down,
And on the river bed they all gleam.
I see a thousand children
And watch them as they run,
Careless and free.
And there by the tree I also see,
Wild daffodils dance in the breeze.
And it’s at times like these
I wonder what it is about
Pleasures so mean
That makes me want to soar
Over mountains and valleys unseen.
And if it pours
I will dance by the lake
While the birds sing and preen.
But as the rainbow fades
The daffodils disappear and
The children no longer scream
The birds grow silent,
The lakes frozen
It looks like a wrongly painted dream.
Now the window is shut and
The world seems to have lost its sheen.


    On 1 March 2008 at 01:10 Anonymous said...

    the world had lost its sheen.....i'm not totally satisfied with the writing cos meghna the blog makes you think abt love from a diff perspective...a very real thing which we don't acknowledge but unknowingly succumb make everyone "happy"....and the second part was really soulful with the poem,but i would have really enjoyed it if they were both separate headings....not the doing transition thing there i mean....