My Favourite Things

I always wonder how time flies the fastest when I don’t want it to the most. It’s March already and here in Hyderabad the heat is already turning on, no not because of Deccan Chronicle buying out Andrew Symonds and Adam Gilchrist for the Hyderabad team, but literally so. I love March, it’s my favourite month. Now I can almost see my family and friends giggle on hearing statements like these. My dad thinks I say the strangest, the most absurd and the bizzarest of things and then come up with the weirdest ways of supporting my ideas while trying to convince him. Well he might not be wrong, coming to think of it, it is actually weird having a favourite month, day of the week etc. at 23(Yes, I do have a favourite day of the week!), but of course my weird ideas and choices merit not just a new post but a whole new blog so, for now I'll stick to what I started with.
Well, its the time of the year when you get your bonuses, your appraisals (good or bad is a different issue), when you are done with your exams and the prospects of the results matter less than the weeks of summer vacations ahead, its when we have Holi and lose our minds completely, its when spring sets in and wipes out the gloomy chill winter days, its when mango trees begin to flower and the smell of raw mangoes fills the air making you want to pluck them and eat till your teeth go sour, its when the earth seems like the most beautiful canvas painted with the brightest and the happiest shades of life. No matter what the circumstances are, the sight of new shoots of grass sprouting out of nowhere or the bright yellow marigolds staring at you defiantly with a promise of good times or the sound of birds chirping at the break of day as if to welcome new life, makes me forget all else except the sheer joy of living. And now as I close my eyes and sit back on my very uncomfortable chair here in office while 20 people shuffle about here and there with a purpose I fail to comprehend, all I see is a vast expanse of green landscape with small hills, lined with pine trees all along the boundary of my vision, maybe a forest beyond, yellow butterflies on white flowers and a little lake down the hill with tall green grass all along its border. Reminds me of the song "These are a few of my favourite things" from the movie "The sound of music". I seem to have forgotten most of the lines but it was one of the first songs that I learnt as a child and has since then always been one of my favourites.

Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winter that melts into spring
These are a few of my favourite things
When the dog bites, when the bee stings
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favourite things
And then I don't feel so bad

I'm uploading the song here. I hope everyone who listens to it is transported back in time to the happiest and the best time of one's life, the days of careless wandering, innocent curiosity and guileless fun, childhood.

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