Speaking Straight!

While in the last 5 years the world got rid of small planets, we on the other hand are still are dealing with "BIG" problems of gay rights in the world's largest democracy!
Anyways in yet another discussion regarding gay rights recently, this time around a friend, also a LGBT activist, during our conversation said "A straight guy, rapes a girl in India and is asked to marry her, but a consensual homosexual relationship is a criminal act!!!".
I said, "I know Delhi has been very active but isn't the queer community in Hyderabad doing something about it?".
She was taken aback and immediately snapped at me for being so hypocritical and I looked at her, smiled and said "You are only queer as long as I am straight".
And that was my only contribution to this movement, since my chronic laziness doesn't allow me to do anything else. Nevertheless I know that at-least the LGBT community in Hyderabad will not be calling me straight anymore and I am glad. It sort of had a wrong ring to it, like something dead not natural, no? :)

A Window to the past

As a compulsive nostalgist, there is no better way to welcome a new year than reminisce about the last!

Strange are the ways of time, 
And its already another year gone by.
A new past to lament over and a little more to pine
And as tomorrow's sun shines,
I bask not in its warmth but,
Wander beneath yesterdays canopy
Trudge a little and run some
To chase shadows and follow a whisper
To look for someone lost and find none.
Then there is the drizzle and Oh what fun!
But the breeze with the familiar scent,
Now also brings with it a slight shiver
And before its too late to catch up with the sun,
I must grab a little bit of this earth,
Less I find a soul to come
And look to morrow alas,
For more than anything,
To give me another window to the past...